About Muntons Gold Highland Heavy Ale
In the Highlands of Scotland, centuries ago, small breweries began producing rich, dark, hoppy ales know locally as Heavy. In addition Light beers were also brewed, known south of the border as Milds, but it was a pint of Heavy which typified the highlanders preference.
You can now recapture this distinctive rich bitter flavour, with its dark, malty brew, balanced by a generous helping of hops. To enjoy Highland Heavy Ale at its best it should be served at cellar temperature. Home Brew Concentrate Makes 40 Pints
Many years ago centuries in fact it was discovered that the way to brew the best ales and beers was to use only malt, hops, water and yeast in the brewing process. In the 15th Century in Germany this was taken a stage further with the introduction of the Reinheitsgebot a law prohibiting the use of any ingredients in the brewing process other than these raw materials.
Muntons Gold Highland Heavy Ale
SKU: 0714588000733
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